
i am Hope was created to share the stories of Cancer Survivors who followed a different path of healing.

One that built their mind, body and spirit up in the process. A journey that more people need to understand.

Please help us spread hope and healing by sharing this film on social media.

Stories of Hope

Is it possible to heal cancer naturally? What happens if chemo doesn't work? Is there real science behind these alternative cancer treatments? Will it work for me?

The best way to learn is from others who have charted the journey before you. Their true struggles and victories. Their unfiltered path of healing. We invite you to read their stories of hope.



Learning you have cancer just 6 months into your marriage is as tough as it gets, but with doctors telling her how long they excepted her to live, Christine began questioning the conventional route and began looking for options.



With a young family, career and cancer levels that were rising. David struggled against the aggressive approach that was being prescribed and found a different path of healing his multiple myeloma diagnosis.



"This isn't right for me"...a really tough thing to say when you have 4 young kids at home and chemo is the only answer your doctors are giving you. Lisa's story will give you hope when the odds seem against you.

More Stories Coming Soon

About Us

We are Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers and these beautiful people have all been patients of ours.

Each individual is important to us, and we truly desire to see each and every person receive the best cancer treatment available. We believe that there is much more to cancer treatment than large doses of chemotherapy and radiation and surgery. We believe that cancer is not a death sentence. We believe you should understand this disease and your treatment options before getting pushed into a treatment that may be of little benefit or sometimes actually contribute to a recurrence of the disease. We believe cancer is a multi-factorial disease and your bodies best chance is with targeted non-toxic cancer therapies, a fortified immune system, full spectrum nutrition, detoxification, oxygenation, eliminating microbes and emotional and spiritual strength.

We strongly encourage you to reach out to us and learn more about your options.

The following two links will help you learn more about our approach to treating cancer or you can even speak with us directly to answer any questions about our treatments, clinics or becoming a patient.

Wisdom and Blessings,

Hope4Cancer Team